Partnership not only in words but also in deeds is one of the key principles on which the development of relations between Polytechnic University and industrial partners is based. The success of this practice does not require any proof: Polytechnic University has accounted for hundreds of implemented projects with global leaders from various industries. One of the largest partner collaborations in 2019 was the development of technological and scientific ties with Huawei (PRC). Presently, the company actively strengthens its contacts with leading engineering and science-intensive centers of the world, one of which is SPbPU. During the year, working meetings were held between the scientific groups of SPbPU and Huawei, and recently, representatives of Polytechnic University –the head of the Self-Organizing High-Temperature Nanostructures Laboratory (SVN) Olga KVASHENKINA and the Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics and Technology Pavel GABDULLIN visited one of the main offices of the company in Shenzhen. How SPbPU and the world’s largest electronics manufacturer are developing today, read in our interview.
– Colleagues, as far as we know, Huawei rarely invites guests to its research centers. Could you tell us what made them so interested in you?
Olga: To give you a better answer to this question, I will clarify what exactly our laboratory is doing. SHN is an interdisciplinary education, on the basis of which modern electronics technologies are created and developed: new materials, new assembly technologies, modern sensors based on nanostructures, modern component electronic base of ultra-small dimensions. In this vein, we have been actively interacting with enterprises of both Russia and China for several years. Huawei, at the first stage of interaction, was interested in several of our developments. I emphasize that our first meetings at Polytechnic University took place thanks to the well-coordinated organizational work of the international services of SPbPU.
– Could you please specify the details?
Pavel: Unfortunately, not (laughing). As the matter of fact, the Company has already started to discuss with us certain aspects which we have no right to disclose.
– Does this mean that your laboratory and Huawei have become partners?
Olga: In the first place, this means that we have become friends! I wish to stress that our global goal is the development of technologic partnership not only from behalf of our laboratory but on behalf of the entire Polytechnic University. As a rule, enterprises are interested in the solutions of complex technological tasks which require from us to engage different research groups. The idea of the development of our institute in exactly this mode of an inter-disciplinary collaboration emerged about 18 months ago. I must admit that the first steps were tough but proved to be fruitful.
– That is, you are planning a multidisciplinary cooperation with Huawei? Does this mean that you will connect other structures of your institute to this interaction?
Pavel: Absolutely. We see this as the only promising way for the development.
– How productive was your communication at the Huawei Research Center?
Pavel: To say that it was productive is to say nothing. From the point of view of the seriousness of the approach to such meetings, the organization from the Huawei part was surprisingly pleasant.
Olga: In such a unique place, there can be no unproductive communication!
– We heard that the headquarters of the RND Center are quite unusual in terms of design. Is that true?
Pavel: Not the word! Huawei scientists and developers have the opportunity to work in buildings that completely replicate the architecture of old Europe. At the same time, inside, everything is equipped at the state-of-the-art level.
Olga: Just you imagine: a scientist, having worked in excellent comfortable conditions with modern equipment, goes outside and sees the old Prague, or historic Paris. Twelve zones, each of which reproduces one of the beautiful corners of Europe! Incredibly beautiful, while very psychologically recreational, it contributes to the active creative scientific work and the birth of unique technologies in the depths of Huawei.
– And besides the discussions concerning your technologies, did you speak about purely scientific cooperation?
Pavel: Yes, of course. Within the frame of our contacts, we outlined promising ways for our scientific cooperation.
Olga: Specialists of our Institute are highly valued all over the world. This is confirmed by numerous contracts signed with industries in various countries. We hope that in the nearest future Polytechnic University will gain one more strategic partner.
– Dear colleagues, thank you for an interesting interview. We wish you implementation of all your plans!
Prepared by Center for International Recruitment and Communications
Text: Olga Dorofeeva