Leading SPbPU Researchers are Invited to Smart Factory International Scientific Council in TU Graz

28 November 2018
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TU Graz, a strategic partner of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, put forward an initiative to establish a Smart Factory International Scientific Council. The main objective of the Council is to develop a strategy for the field of Smart Factory to reach the leading position in the world in the digital production segment. SPbPU leading professors V.P. SHKODYREV, Director of the Higher School of Cyber Physical Systems and Control, Institute of Computer Science and Technology and A.A. NAUMOV, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Lightweight Materials and Structures of the Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport were invited to become the members of the Council.

During the visit of SPbPU delegation in June Polytech representatives visited the new manufacturing technologies center smartfactory@tugraz at TU Graz. In September 2018 Prof. PICHLER visited SPbPU and had a range of meetings at SPbPU laboratories discussing the ideas for collaboration in this perspective field.

In November there was an organizational meeting of the Council where SPbPU delegates Prof. SHKODYREV and Prof. NAUMOV together with representatives from the leading universities of the world (including Italy, Germany, Slovenia and Austria) discussed future plans and forming a professional interuniversity network based on the existing labs and facilities. The Council formed several recommendations for smartfactory@tugraz development.

In particular, the participants discussed with Austrian colleagues possible topics for joint applications for funding to be submitted to Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Austrian Science Fund, as well as with a wider consortium participation in the projects in ERA.NET Rus Plus and Horizon 2020 programs.

Leading professors from TU Graz Prof. Christoph SOMMITSCH and Prof. Franz HAAS were invited as sections chairs to the conference "Modern materials and advanced manufacturing technologies", which will be held in the period June 25-28, 2019 at SPbPU.