The active involvement of universities in the international scientific community is one of the main factors in world scientific and technological progress. Science is not driven by modern infrastructure and high-tech equipment, but by the people who stand behind it and the professors who lead the world's leading research groups. One of the ways to integrate Russian science into the global scientific and educational space is
The Polytech's collaboration with scientists from the RASA (Russian-speaking Academic Science Association).
The RASA-SPbPU Scientific Research Center is a new platform for a whole cluster of laboratories with a mainly biomedical orientation. The center includes 3 laboratories led by specialists from leading scientific centers in Europe and the USA.
- Laboratory of Microencapsulation
The laboratory is focused on development and creation (with the help of nanoengineering) of interactive controllable host systems of biologically important matters to be successfully implemented into medical practice.
- Laboratory of synthetic biology
The laboratory is specializing in the development of technology of automated production of synthetic genes without mutations to be used in research and pharmacology.
- Laboratory of Bioinformatics
Scientists of the laboratory are dealing with the development of inentification methods of illness-leading mutations producing an impact on protein interactions and resulting in the loss or aquisition of functions.