Scientific researches SPbPU were supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

25 January 2017
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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation provided additional funding amounting to 2.9 billion rubles to 176 Russian universities for fundamental and applied research projects implementation. Relevant agency backed 16 projects of Polytechnic University, total funding allocation amounts to 112 million rubles a year for the period 2017 - 2019.

According to the information on the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia website: 'Due to these additional resources our universities can support researches within the initial phase of the project life cycle, form scientific groundwork, and by the moment of the project completion carry on further scientific projects development by means of academic funds and federal target programs, and ensure communication with business community'.

Agency board with the Council for Science under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and NTI Project Office (National Technology Initiative) as participants selected 444 projects from more than 2 500 thousand applications. It should be noted that Polytech is in top three by the number of projects which were supported by the Ministry.

The SPbPU winners presented their projects in the following areas: terahertz radiation, physical electronics, medical physics, nanocomposite materials, supercomputer engineering, nanometrology materials, laser technologies, fluid dynamics, highly-sensitive biosensors, microelectronics, additive technologies, mechatronics and robotics, etc.

In addition to the 16 projects to be supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, SPbPU also won funding on the basic part. For the year 2017 the Relevant Agency allocated about 60 million rubles to 5 leading researchers, 7 engineering technicians and 13 initiatice science projects of SPbPU.

'For leading scientists financial support is four average region-wise salaries, and for engineers it is one region-wise average', - said Vice-Rector for science and Research Vitaliy Sergeev. He also noted that in this way the Government encourages the university scientists to be totally engaged in science and to develop some certain competences at the university eliminating necessity to earn a living.