Prominent Scientists and Young People are behind the Steering Wheel - "NFM-2016" Conference Continues

23 April 2016
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The International Science and Technology conference "Nanotechnology for Functional Materials” (NFM'2016) started on June 21,2016.. The main challenge of this scientific event is to present and discuss the recent results of fundamental research and practical achievements in developing the nanostructured metal and ceramic materials having a high performance level and the technology of their manufacturing.

On the first day of the conference at the plenary session some presentations were made by the leading scientists in this field.

After the plenary session all the participants moved on board of a comfortable steam-ship, where the conference is to continue for the next four days. The second day was also successful. The conference has been held in sections, reflecting the major development areas of the modern fundamental and applied science. 28 reports from section No. 2 "Amorphous Nanocristallite and Nanostructured Metal Materials" and section No. 5 "Research Methods for Nanostructured Materials; Modelling and Information Support of Nanotechnology" were heard. The reports of both sections arose vivid interest and extended discussion. Special attention was given to transition from purely metal materials to composite and ceramic materials, strengthened with different alloying elements, which leads to identifying new functional features of these materials.


During the NFM-2016 conference, the 3rd All-Russian Young Scientists School has been actively working. The participants are students of engineering departments, developing their own scientific and innovative projects, graduate students, and young executives of small innovative university enterprises, which carry out projects in the areas corresponding to the conference themes.