Engineering center «Center for computer engineering»

The Center for Computer Engineering (CompMechLab®) of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, is a leader in the development of original technologies, designs, equipment and products based on advanced manufacturing technologies (primarily digital design and modeling, computer and supercomputer engineering, computer optimization technologies and additive technologies).

CompMechLab® specialists perform R&D in the interests of enterprises of various industries: automobile manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing (primarily composite materials and composite constructions (structures), nuclear energy and nuclear engineering, thermonuclear energy (thermonuclear reactors), metallurgy, mechanical engineering (special, heavy, metallurgical, petrochemical, etc.), engine building, shipbuilding, space rocket technology, instrumentation, etc.

As part of the "road map" directions on the basis of the Engineering Center and the Institute of Advanced Production Technologies of SPbPU, Tekhnet NTI created a test site - a reference training ground for the Factory of the Future. The landfill serves to create and debug the production chain, starting from the planning stage, when the basic principles of a competitive product are laid down, and ending with the creation of a sample / prototype. Solutions and technologies worked out within the framework of the project can be replicated and scaled practically for all high-tech industries.

The main activities

  • performing R&D on a regular basis, ensuring the development and creation of fundamentally new and globally competitive “best-in-class” optimized new generation products / parts / products / structures for leading companies in the world and Russian industry;
  • training (through the implementation of custom R&D)  of globally demanded;
  • engineers of a new generation (“engineering and technological special forces”);
  • “Integration” into technological chains and production of industrial companies-leaders of the world market (development, adaptation and development of “cutting-edge technologies”), export of highly intelligent services, development and transfer of technological chains with high added value (know-how) to domestic industry.

The CompMechLab® team has many years of successful work experience for companies and corporations such as Airbus Group, Boeing, General Electric, General Motors, Daimler / Mercedes, BMW, Rolls-Royce, Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Schlumberger, Weatherford, Siemens, LG Electronics, etc.
